Event, which is raised when the application domain that your code is loaded in is about to unload. 事件,该事件在您的代码加载到的应用程序域将要卸载时引发。
Is called on each of the worksheets and the workbook when the application domain that your code is loaded in is about to unload. 在加载有您的代码的应用程序域即将卸载时,将对每个工作表以及该工作簿调用。
Occasionally, you may want your application to programmatically interact with your application domains, for example, to unload a component without having to stop your application from running. 有时,您可能希望应用程序以编程方式与应用程序域交互,例如想在不停止应用程序运行的情况下卸载某个组件时。
Specifies a wait time during which the application domain is allowed to unload during a recycle operation. 指定在回收操作期间允许卸载应用程序域的等待时间。
Application of optimizing encourage magnetic current control to decrease unload loss for synchromotor 采用最佳励磁电流控制降低同步电动机空载损耗